Sky Social is working with the Department of Panchayati Raj as a member of their State Level Core Committee for localization of SDGs at the local Panchayat Level in Madhya Pradesh. As a part of this we are working with the Department for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of SDGs at the local level. We are supporting the government in designing unique policies related to youth engagement, recommending changes in the policy implementation, planning initiatives for grassroot interventions, training the stakeholders and PRI members, designing local indicators and targets for data collection and processing and are identifying the gaps to bridge them. As an organization we working towards translating global goals into local actions.

Keeping the intersection aspect of SDGs in view, Ministry of Panchayati Raj has initiated thematic approach of relevance for Panchayats and villages through aggregating 17 SDG goals into 9 broad themes for localization of SDGs at grass-root level and their attainment through concerted and collaborative efforts of all concerned stakeholders. Theme 1 Poverty free and enhanced livelihoods in Village, Theme 2 Healthy Village, Theme 3 Child Friendly Village, Theme 4 Water sufficient village , Theme 5 Clean and Green Village, Theme 6 Self-sufficient infrastructure in village , Theme 7 Socially secured villages, Theme 8 Village with Good Governance and Theme 9 Engendered Development in village. These themes address more than one SDG and concern more than one Ministry/ Department.

Iconic Week, Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav

Sky Social was invited by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj for 'Azadi ka Amrit Mahostav'- Iconic Week Celebration and National Stakeholders Conference on Localisation of Sustainable Development Goals. The initiatives taken by Sky Social were integrated in the presentation given by Madhya Pradesh on women and child rights and creation of child friendly panchayats. States from across the country presented their work and discussed about important aspects of localisation of SDGs. Action plans on achieving SDGs at local governance level were discussed.

Training of trainers by Department of Panchayati Raj

Sky Social was invited as guest speakers alongside State Planning Commission MP, UNICEF, TRIF and Samarthan for a 2 day Training of Trainers (TOT) session on Localising Sustainable Development Goals organised by Department of Panchayati Raj.

Trainers from SIRD and NIRD attended the insightful sessions. Our sessions were focused on SDG - 6 Clean Water and Sanitation by creating water sufficient villages and SDG – 5 Gender Equality by creating women friendly villages.

These trainers from across the State will further play a huge role in localisation of global SDGs at grassroots. Post this training session they'll further train PRI members and other stakeholders on their responsibilities and work with them on improving the implementation of various policies and schemes. They'll also work further on creating awareness and monitoring of SDGs by working on local goals and targets.

We'll be supporting them further through capacity building, training and policy advocacy so that holistically these local goals can be achieved. Along with that we'll also work on monitoring and evaluation of the localisation process.

The sessions were quite interactive where we also discussed about the role of Gram Panchayat and overall the importance of localising SDGs for a sustainable future.

State Level Consultation on Role of Institutions in Localization and Implementation of Sustainable Development Goals

Sky Social participated in the state level consultation organised by the Department of Panchayat Raj and Rural Development to understand the role of institutions in localisation and implementation of SDGs.

Institutions and universities from across Madhya Pradesh participated and shared their insights with the government officials, NGOs and UN organisations to understand their role in policy advocacy and use their expertise in deriving innovative solutions to achieve SDGs at the grassroots. Institutions play a major role in knowledge sharing and their expertise will be essential in disseminating relevant information at the grassroots.

State Level Workshop with officials of various Government Department

Sky Social Conducted a State Level Workshop with various officials from Rural Department, Tribal Department, Women and Child Development Department, Health Department, Agriculture Department and Department of Fisheries.

The workshop focused on how various departments can work in convergence at the grassroot level for localisation of SDGs. As all the SDGs and the 9 themes of the government are interlinked to each other, no department can work in isolation. This workshop demarcated the roles of departments and how each department is responsible in the implementation process by engaging their stakeholders at the District and Local Level, front-line workers and resource persons.

The discussion was very insightful and the Departments were keen on fulfilling their responsibilities under various schemes along with monitoring and evaluation for accountability and measuring the long term impact of SDGs achievement.