Our Founder Srishti Pragat has been selected as the country Ambassador for India for UNITE 2030. Unite 2030 is a global community of leading young leaders/ changemakers from around the world who are taking action to tackle poverty, inequality, injustice, and climate change by the year 2030. As a Country Ambassador for India, she is leading programs, creating communities, expanding youth action, work with policy makers & shareholders, build a global platform for young people and make them forerunners of change in order to achieve United Nations Sustainable Development goals by 2030. Country Ambassadors are the UNITE 2030 top representatives, they are responsible for amplifying the UNITE 2030 community and voices and for impacting their local community.

Department of Panchayati Raj

Sky Social is working with the Department of Panchayati Raj as a member of their State Level Core Committee for localization of SDGs at the local Panchayat Level in Madhya Pradesh. As a part of this we are working with the Department for planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of SDGs at the local level. We are supporting the government in designing unique policies related to youth engagement, recommending changes in the policy implementation, planning initiatives for grassroot interventions, training the stakeholders and PRI members, designing local indicators and targets for data collection and processing and are identifying the gaps to bridge them. As an organization we working towards translating global goals into local actions.

Keeping the intersection aspect of SDGs in view, Ministry of Panchayati Raj has initiated thematic approach of relevance for Panchayats and villages through aggregating 17 SDG goals into 9 broad themes for localization of SDGs at grass-root level and their attainment through concerted and collaborative efforts of all concerned stakeholders. Theme 1 Poverty free and enhanced livelihoods in Village, Theme 2 Healthy Village, Theme 3 Child Friendly Village, Theme 4 Water sufficient village , Theme 5 Clean and Green Village, Theme 6 Self-sufficient infrastructure in village , Theme 7 Socially secured villages, Theme 8 Village with Good Governance and Theme 9 Engendered Development in village. These themes address more than one SDG and concern more than one Ministry/ Department.